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Published Articles

1. B.G. Solomonea et al. "Cadmium Ions’ Trace-Level Detection Using a Portable Fiber Optic—Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor"
Biosensors, 2022, 12(8), 573; doi: 10.3390/bios12080573
Journal IF= 5.743

2. A.M. Panaitescu et al. "Effect of the Cadmium Telluride Deposition Method on the Covering Degree of Electrodes Based on Copper Nanowire Arrays"
Appl. Sci., 2022, 12(15), 7808; doi: 10.3390/app12157808
Journal IF=2.838

3. I. Antohe  "Cobalt Ions Detection Using an Evanescent Wave Optical Fiber Sensor"
Romanian Reports in Physics - In Press
Journal IF=2.085

4. A.I. Radu et al. "Study of a new composite based on SnO2 nanoparticles - P3HT:PC71BM co-polymer blend, used as potential absorber in bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells" Materials Today Communications – Under Review
Journal IF=3.662

5. I. Kuncser et al. "Numerical algorithm and related methodology for optimizing sensing performances of fiber optic-based surface plasmon resonance sensors"
Sensors and Actuators A – Under Review
Journal IF=4.291


Published Articles

1. I. Antohe et al.  "A polyaniline/platinum coated fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensor for picomolar detection of
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-10, 2021.
Journal IF= 5.133

2. I. Antohe et al. "Sensitive pH Monitoring Using a Polyaniline-Functionalized Fiber Optic—Surface Plasmon Resonance Detector"
Sensors 21 (12), 4218, 2021.
Journal IF=3.576